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What Your Teen Wants You To Know
(But Doesn't Know How to Ask)

Welcome, Mama! You're about to take a journey into the Secret Mind of Teens.
It's my deepest hope that these insights gained from over 15+ years of teaching high school and my work as a Certified Teen Coach will deliver understanding, insight, and practical solutions to your most frustrating problems!

Your Teen's Top 3 Personal Mind-Games

In this video, you'll learn the top 3 (oh, there are many more) beliefs that haunt your daughter's heart and mind, leading to a lot of the frustrating behaviors at home!

What Your Teen Wishes You Knew (But Can't Ask)

There's so much parenting advice out there, it's hard to know what to focus on. In this video, you'll learn the 3 most important things to your teen- that they wish they could ask for, but don't know how. 

7 Magical, Transformative Words

Learn the 7 magical words that will transform charged interactions with your daughter (and your spouse, and your colleagues, and your difficult parent). From calming her down after a massive friend drama, to stopping home explosions in their tracks - try them out!

Let's Help Our Daughters Dream Big.  

Talking with someone about your children is so vulnerable, and I want you to know I’m here for it all.

Click below to book a call today. 

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