You’re a dedicated mama. I'm Justyna, and I love that about you.
You know you want to be close with your teenage daughter. You remember your own teen years, exploring new friendships, trying new things, dating… (eek!)
Since she was born, you planned on being close through these years. You were going to do things differently. So what are you supposed to do when everything’s become an issue?
It can feel like an uphill battle over the smallest things that just seem to be getting bigger, but you’re more than willing to make it work.
Your daughter wants your love and support, so why does she shut you out?
That’s where I come in. I am here on Team Mama, to help unravel this ball of yarn so you can get close to her again.
You need a guide and advocate for both of you. I’m so happy to meet you.
I see where you’re coming from.
I see where your daughter’s coming from, too.
As a mom, you might feel like the stress of dealing with these teen years is just part of the package, to be suffered through until she matures. But I want you to know that with help, you don’t have to have so many struggles at home.
I know a thing or two about being a teen who desperately wanted room to be herself. I came to the US from Poland for “vacation,” but I knew the whole time I wasn’t going back. I hated the marketing career path I was expected to be on.
With a natural gift of connecting with teens (yes, even the ones no one seems to get through to), I had to follow my heart. I crossed an entire ocean, set up my life in a new country, and disappointed my family so I could become who I truly am.
So, I know a little about what your girl is going through.
No matter what your family is going through, I’m here for it. As a teacher, depression, anxiety, and even suicide attempts plagued teens at my school. But my students easily opened up to me and felt safe sharing their feelings, fears, and problems they were too afraid to share with their parents.
It brought me back to my own childhood of not feeling like I could talk to my mom about what I was going through.
These teens were suffering, and it was breaking my heart.
I wanted to do something.
So I became a coach.
"On days that I was not feeling my best, your joyful spirit encouraged me to keep going and not to give up… it was a blessing knowing you and having you as my teacher. #Blessed"
~Ava, 17
Once upon a time…
all I wanted was to be worthy of my mom’s love.
I tried to do everything to get her approval and attention, but I was so overwhelmed with trying to please her, I didn’t feel safe to be myself.
As a teenager, I was looking for validation and worth in external achievements. The idea of failure scared me to death, so I barely stepped out of my comfort zone. I had no sense of healthy relationships or boundaries, and my self-esteem tanked.
While I had my own journey of personal development and growth, when I saw my students going through the same issues, it became my mission to provide teen girls with the tools I desperately needed when I was a teenager and guide them in the process of discovering their true greatness.
Now I support teens and their families as an “impartial parent” through Teen Life Coaching, and it’s been my most fulfilling career move so far.
When I was a little girl, lining up my teddy bears for “class,” I never imagined that being a teen girl’s guide and advocate would become my passion.
But it’s what I was made for.

A Teen Girl's Creed:
I do not have to be perfect to be worthy of love and belonging.
The most important relationship in my life is the relationship with myself.
When I take responsibility for my life, feelings, personal growth, and for every result, I develop self-confidence and I am free to grow.
The best way to realize my true potential is by facing fears, stepping out of my comfort zone and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.
What do you think, mama?
Do you want that for her, too?
Maybe even for you?
Our parenting stems from our own childhood experiences.
Your relationship with your daughter might be unconsciously influenced by your relationship with your mom. Which was likely influenced by her mom.
It takes only one person to question these generational patterns to make a difference in the family tree.
Could that be you, mama?
Since I started Teen Life Coaching I’ve helped teens and moms create a strong relationship based on confidence, connection, and communication without getting stuck in old generational family patterns.
You can have a strong relationship with your daughter, too.
"She made me feel that I was understood. She is an amazing cheerleader and champion of me - seeing the great qualities of me … and giving me tremendous encouragement and confidence to keep pursuing my goals."
~Annabelle, 16
Everyone is different, and their battles are different.
My approach brings a tailored coaching experience that supports your daughter through her journey of self-expression, so she can grow into a confident woman, while also supporting you in recognizing childhood patterns, fears, and beliefs that may be contributing to your anxiety about this stage of her life.
This developmental stage doesn’t have to be scary, it can be exciting and rewarding. We just have to work together to help her step into who she is.
I have your back, and hers.
You can trust me. I know teens.
Masters Degree in Adolescence Education
11+ years of experience as a Math Teacher
Teacher of the Year Award, 2021
Inspirational Teacher Award, 2013
Teen Coach Academy Practitioner
Professional Certified Coach through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching
Energy Leadership Master Practitioner