In the nitty gritty of parenting, caretaking, and juggling
All The Things, you lost yourself.
You've been the caregiver, spouse, mother, daughter, employee, PTA rockstar, and general go-to gal for well, everyone around you.
You’re unhappy, bored, and frankly, life has been on auto-pilot for too long. You don’t even have a vision for what’s next, but you’re ready for it, whatever it is!
You’ve come to a point in life where you realize you want more - more for yourself, more for your children, and more for your relationship.
You need a plan to find yourself again. Your purpose. Your passions.
For yourself - for the good of your family.
Working with Justyna has truly been life changing, I've lost weight, started my business, my anxiety has gone down and my relationships have improved. My friends & loved ones have commented on it too!"
You're Invited To:
A 3-Month Coaching + Learning Community
Dream. Inspire. Find Yourself.
You know what happens when you give yourself the permission to sink into introspection, goal setting, and action just for you?
You’re offended by the term “mid-life crisis” but want to make significant meaning of this important phase of your life (yes, you can have the sports car, too).
You breathe new life into your every day, reviving talents and discovering purpose beyond your current job and family life.
Your family life shifts radically to reflect the joy and passion you’ve discovered for yourself. You’re happy, and no longer taking your stress out on everyone around you.
You have deeper connections with everyone around you and your triggers start to melt away. You’re getting what you need, and so you’re able to give differently of yourself to others.
Goodbye to living life-on-autopilot and feeling like your life doesn’t reflect who you are . . . each week in our journey will bring you exciting new discoveries.
You are valued as an individual. You’re here to leave your unique stamp on the world. Not just through your parenting.
Believe that you can be living an inspired life, by design, in just a few months. For real.
Working with Justyna has been a transformative journey like no other….Justyna has a unique gift for spotting strengths within individuals that they may not even recognize themselves. Through her guidance, I've come to embrace aspects of myself that were previously overlooked, leading to a huge shift in how I show up in my own life. ~Lisa
Do you find yourself overwhelmed and disconnected, lost in the whirlwind of juggling career, family, and personal responsibilities? You don’t even know who you are beyond your many roles.
We long for change and keep committing to changing something - stop yelling, start a nutrition plan, get a chore schedule going, go to the gym. Then it gets sent to the back burner as the needs of work, family, and other obligations rise to the top of the priority list.
Enter guilt and feeling “not enough” for not sticking to our intentions. It’s a vicious cycle.
AWAKEN YOUR SPIRIT is where the woman who owns her own life is born.
“It's amazing how much your life can change in one year; when I look back at how far I've come working with Justyna it makes me so glad that I started working with her. Mentally & emotionally I am in a much more peaceful and happier place, my anxiety & worrying has improved a lot. I am getting so much more accomplished in my life & I have the confidence to go after what I want. Justyna has helped me get a handle on the things in my life that previously felt like they were keeping me stuck.”
“My child is more optimistic and open; and I allow myself the grace to struggle through moments of challenge in my life. I am always too hard on myself for any perceived failures, but thanks to Justyna I am able to learn more from these moments, and turn them to my advantage.”
Your comprehensive roadmap to the inner transformation ahead! Navigate the journey with clarity & confidence. Best of all, you’ll always be able to refer back to your breakthroughs and progress.
Sink into the shared wisdom of a community of women who have been there and are ready to make change. Our intimate kick off call sets the tone for the closeness, vulnerability, and mutual respect that makes our coaching journey truly transformational.
Our coaching meetings are all about YOU. Does that feel selfish? Thinking you don’t have enough time for yourself as it is? These 45 minute calls are easily accessible for busy human beings like you who are committed to personal growth!
A rising tide lifts all boats, and our weekly group coaching meeting lands you right in the middle of an incredible ocean of women! In this community, you’ll be supported in discovering who you are so you can go into the world with strength and grace.
You’ll set the tone for each day, boost productivity, and start out happier and more peacefully with a new morning routine. Get primed to seize opportunities, conquer challenges, and be your best self!
Supportive call reminders, custom guided exercises, and research-backed teaching and coaching, to name a few!
I remember the moment when, after 14 years of teaching High School Math, I realized there had to be something beyond. While I loved and excelled at my career, deep inside I am a lifelong learner. I was unfulfilled, and not feeling fully alive.
I have always sought to better understand the world around me, for the good of others - but this time, it was time to better understand myself.
I wasn’t even sure what I wanted, but I knew I wanted something different.
Maybe you can relate to this - I’d been a people pleaser for so long that I didn’t even know who I was anymore. Becoming a mother made me question the way I’d been raised, and sparked the desire for me to reevaluate the way I wanted to raise my own family.
I needed the space to dream just for myself, not anyone else, to discover what would be next for me.
I had never been someone to stand up for myself, and I knew I had triggers that kept me from being who I wanted to be for my family, colleagues, and husband. Most of all, I wanted my daughters to have a reliable role model in me.
I needed to go beyond the books and podcasts that inspired me, but didn’t help me change for good - so I turned to a reliable, proven path to start investigating my path forward: Life Coaching.
Today, I coach parents to overcome the stress and damaging family patterns so they can have joy, laughter, fun, family dinners, and peaceful game nights ;)

Hi, I’m Justyna, Certified Teen Coach, Social-Emotional Learning Coach,and First and Foremost, Human Being.
Whether you have kids or not, you’re part of a generational legacy that has taught you how to relate to others.
If you have kids, you’re likely relating with good intentions but little consciousness. It’s ok. We ALL swear we’re not going to yell again and then we do. It’s the work we do that matters. And this is the chance to focus on your part in the relationship . . . which will change the relationship.
If you don’t have kids, you have colleagues that trigger the hell out of you. Maybe you’re in constant conflict with your partner, more and more as the years go by.
The point is, you want deep connections. You want deep fulfillment in relationships with the people around you.
It starts with you.
Q: IS THIS JUST FOR MOTHERS? No, all women who are caretakers are welcome. This experience is about women supporting each other in an empowered way through this phase in life where we get to re-invent and re-discover ourselves.
Q: DO YOU OFFER PAYMENT PLANS? A: I believe this work is absolutely essential and do not want the investment to be a barrier. Please contact me if you need payments stretched out over time.
Q: WHY DID YOU CREATE THIS JOURNEY FOR PARENTS? A: When I was a teenager, I had never stood up for myself. I am inspired to be a role model for my children - to have my girls see me going through the process of growth and confidence. I'm ok with my children seeing that everything isn't always great, and showing them that it takes courage to grow and change. I didn't have great examples for the family life I wanted to create, so I had to dive deep into a journey of discovering what kind of family life and legacy I wanted to create - with no model before me. I'm sure you have made HUGE improvements over the way you were raised, too - and inside of you, you KNOW that you can do even more amazing work to create the healthy family - and healthy caregiver - that you'd be even more proud of.